Xack's EQ Codex

Dark Reign Progression

Dark Reign (Evil) DoN Progression #

Faction grind to indifferent #

  • For Solo Tasks: – Faction is received instantly once you kill or loot the last item needed. Reward is given on an individual basis. – You can only pick up 1 task at a time so you’ll need to run back and forth between completing tasks. – You are not able to request these specific tasks once you hit Indifferent faction. – Recommended Solo Tasks: – Blood Money – Spider’s Web – Meat for Stew – Taunting the Brood
  • For Group Missions:
    • You can request these starting at Apprehensive. Everyone in the group will receive 1x Dark Reign Token, which can be given to Xeib Darkskies (Dark Reign Mechant) in the Dark Reign Camp in the tunnels to receive faction. These are LORE, so make sure you turn them in before doing another mission!!
    • It requires a minimum of 3 players to request a group mission (mercenaries count!). There is a limit on how big the group level range can be (maybe +/- 15? This is a guess).
    • You’ll also receive Ebon Crystals for completing Group Missions. These are used as currency at Xeib Darkskies (Dark Reign Mechant). They can be found on the top right of your main Inventory Window.
    • Recommended Group Tasks:
      • Grounding the Drakes
        • Issue #129 - “Drake Fangs” not currently dropping. Same graphic item, “Drake Claw”, drops but doesn’t count – Lavaspinner’s Locals

Both options are pretty easy. If you are doing faction on 3+ characters at once you’re probably better off with the group missions. If you are doing faction on only 1 or 2 players you’ll want to consider the solo tasks. Remember Ebon Crystals is an added bonus for doing the Group Missions.

Once you are Indifferent faction you can move onto Tier 1. #

Tier 1: #

Step 1 #

  • Speak to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar in Lavstorm Mountains. – “Hail” him – Say “help” to receive a character flag.

Step 2 #

  • In the Dark Reign Camp, Hail Officer Sirrikis Ryktor, who is standing next to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar. You’ll receive 3 tasks upon hail. Complete all 3 of these tasks.
    • The Burning Poison
    • Blood of the Basilisk
    • Clearing the Path

Task 1: The Burning Poison

  • Go to Lavaspinner’s Lair. Kill spiders and loot 5x Caustic Lavaspinner Venom. Common Drop. Spiders generally spawn in the southeast. The quest will auto-complete once you loot your 5th. Level 50-60 mobs.

Task 2: Blood of the Basilisk

  • Go to Tirranun’s Delve. Kill basilisks and loot 5x Simmering Basilisk Blood. Common Drop. The quest will auto-complete once you loot your 5th. Level 50-60 mobs.

Task 3: Clearing the Path

  • Go to Stillmoon Temple and kill 8x a stillmoon drake (Any other drake type will NOT update the quest). I only saw 6 up initially when I zoned in and had to wait for respawns. It appears other drake-types can be a PH for a stillmon drake. I recommend a tracker. The quest will auto-complete once you kill your 8th. Level 50-60 mobs. Zone respawn is approx. 16 minutes.

Step 3 #

– Once all 3 Tasks are completed head back to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar at the Dark Reign camp in Lavastorm Mountains. – Hail him to receive a character flag.

Step 4 #

Next up is a group mission. You’ll need at least 3 people to request it. In the Dark Reign Camp, Hail Officer Vacax Rol`Tas, who is standing next to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar to receive the mission Have Note Will Travel. Mobs in this mission are 65-70ish.

Step 5 #

Hail Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar in Lavastorm Mountains to receive your reward.

REMINDER: Turn in your Dark Reign Token to Xeib Darkskies between each mission. They are LORE!

Step 6 #

Complete more missions until you are Amiable faction then you can move onto Tier 2 Progression!

Tier 2: #

Step 1 #

  • Speak to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar in Lavstorm Mountains. – “Hail” him – Say “work” to receive a character flag. – Say “endeavors” – Say “tirranun”

Step 2 #

  • In the Dark Reign Camp, Hail Officer Sirrikis Ryktor, who is standing next to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar. You’ll receive 3 tasks upon hail:
    • Blood from Sand
    • Army of Stone
    • Reap the Kirin Mind

Next you’ll need to complete all 3 of these Tasks.

Task 1: Blood from Sand Note: This task and the next task (Army of Stone) are both in Stillmoon Temple.

  • Go to Stillmoon Temple. Kill goblin type mobs and loot 7x Impure Goblin Blood. Goblins can spawn all over the zone. Common Drop. The quest will auto-complete once you loot your 7th. Level 50-60 mobs.

Task 2: Army of Stone Note: This task and the previous task (Blood from Sand) are both in Stillmoon Temple.

  • Go to Stillmoon Temple. Kill a clay sentinel/a stone guardian and loot 5x Animated Guardian Essence. They can spawn all over the zone. Common Drop. The quest will auto-complete once you loot your 5th. Level 50-60 mobs.

Task 3: Reap the Kirin Mind

  • Go to The Ascent (You can access it via the upper level of Stillmoon Temple). You’ll want to go to the north side of the zone. Kill “kirin” type mobs and loot 3x Pristine Kirin Brain. The quest will auto-complete once you loot your 3rd. Level 60+ mobs.

Step 3 #

– Once all 3 Tasks are completed head back to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar at the Dark Reign camp in Lavastorm Mountains. – Hail him to receive a character flag.

Step 4 #

Next up is a group mission. You’ll need at least 3 people to request it. In the Dark Reign Camp, Hail Officer Vacax Rol`Tas, who is standing next to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar. Accept the mission Drake Eggs. Mobs in this mission are 65-70ish.

Once the mission is complete don’t forget to turn in your Dark Reign Token to Xeib Darkskies.

Step 5 #

Next is a raid that has a maximum of 24 players with a minimum of 6 to request it. You can use offline characters if needed to request it. Hail Captain Aleeth Zyrv in Lavsastorm Mountains and accept the raid Calling Emoush.

Step 6 #

Once Calling Emoush has been completed and you looted Glowing Stone Fragment head back to Lavastorm Mountains and give Glowing Stone Fragment to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar for an AA Reward and a Spell or Skill for your class.

NOTE: Don’t forget to turn in your Dark Reign Token to Xeib Darkskies nearby for faction.

Tier 2 Reward: +3% to Base HP, +200 Max Mana, +200 Max Endurance. You will also receive a level 69 spell/tome. #

Tier 3: #

Step 1 #

Once you finish Tier 2 you’ll likely not have enough faction to begin Tier 3 (unless you did extra missions). You’ll want to continue to do missions and turn in Tokens until you reach Amiably (300) with Dark Reign.

Step 2 #

Once you have the appropriate faction Hail Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar in Lavastorm Mountains to receive a character flag.

Follow his dialogue all the way through: – Say “greater motives“ – Say “quests” – Say “wyrms”

Step 3 #

In the Dark Reign Camp, Hail Officer Sirrikis Ryktor, who is standing next to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar. You’ll receive 3 tasks upon hail: – Muddy the Waters – Knowledge is Power – Snowfoot Attack

Task 1: Knowledge is Power – Go to Thundercrest Isles. Kill 9x sentinel type mobs and loot 7x Ancient Scroll of Knowledge. sentinels can be found all over the zone. Common Drop. The quest will auto-complete once you loot your 7th. Level 60-65 mobs.

Task 2: Muddy the Waters – Go to Stillmoon Temple. Kill 9x a Stillmoon water servant. These guys spawn in the west wing area. They seem to share spawns with other goblins in the wing. Kill all goblins until you get the 9x a Stillmoon water servant you need. Respawn is approx 16 min 10 sec. The quest will auto-complete on your 9th kill. It took me 3 clears to get all 9.

Task 3: Snowfoot Attack – Go to The Ascent (You can access it via the upper level of Stillmoon Temple). Kill 10x “snowfoot” type goblins. These goblins are most common at top of the mountain, but I have seen them occasionally spawn in the lower areas. The quest will auto-complete once you kill your 10th.

Step 4 #

– Once all 3 Tasks are completed head back to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar at the Dark Reign camp in Lavastorm Mountains. – Hail him to receive a character flag.

Step 5 #

Next up is a group mission. You’ll need at least 3 people to request it. In the Dark Reign Camp, Hail Officer Vacax Rol`Tas, who is standing next to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar. Accept the mission The Gilded Scroll. Mobs in this mission are 65-70ish.

Once the mission is complete don’t forget to turn in your Dark Reign Token to Xeib Darkskies.

Step 6 #

Next are two raids from Captain Aleeth Zyrv in Lavastorm Mountains. – Trial of Preserevance (24 Player) – Volkara’s Bite (42 Player). You’ll need a minimum of 6 players to request them. You can use offline characters if needed to request them.

Defeat both raids and loot the progression item from each. Give the progression items to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar. You can turn them in 1 at a time and will receive a separate flag for each. – Goblin Warlord’s Beads from Trial of Perseverance – Lava Spider Spinners from Volkara’s Bite NOTE: Don’t forget to turn in your Dark Reign Token to Xeib Darkskies nearby for faction.

Tier 3 Progression Complete! #

Tier 3 Reward: +1 Spell Buff Slot #

Tier 4: #

Step 1 #

Once you finish Tier 3 you’ll likely not have enough faction to begin Tier 4 (unless you did extra missions). You’ll want to continue to do missions and turn in Tokens until you reach Kindly with Dark Reign.

Step 2 #

Once you have Kindly faction Hail Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar in Lavstorm Mountains to receive a character flag.

Step 3 #

Next are two raids from Captain Aleeth Zyrv in Lavastorm Mountains.

  • Goblin Dojo (24 Player)
    • Issue 179 – Raid will not initiate until at least six PCs in zone - not solo friendly
  • Guardian of the Sands (42 Player)
  • You’ll need a minimum of 6 players to request them. You can use offline characters if needed. Goblin Dojo (24 Player) will need 6 real characters inside the raid to begin the event.

Defeat both raids and loot the progression item from each. Give the progression items to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar. You can turn them in 1 at a time and will receive a separate flag for each.

  • Meditation Stone from Goblin Dojo
  • Quintessence of Sand from Guardian of the Sands

Follow Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar‘s dialogue once you have turned in both.

  • Say “prove”
  • Say “storms”
  • Say “kill” NOTE: Don’t forget to turn in your Dark Reign Token to Xeib Darkskies nearby for faction.

Step 4 #

Lastly is a 54 man raid given by General Lereh Dirr.

  • An End to the Storms Complete this raid and loot Yar`Lir’s Fang for progression.

Step 5 #

Go back to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar in Lavastorm Mountains. Give him Yar`Lir’s Fang.

Tier 4 Progression Complete! #

Tier 4 Reward: +40% melee crit chance / +1% spell crit chance #

Tier 5: #

Step 1 #

Once you finish Tier 4 you’ll likely not have enough faction to begin Tier 5 (unless you did extra missions). You’ll want to continue to do missions and turn in Tokens until you reach Warmly (750) with Dark Reign.

Step 2 #

Once you have Warmly faction Hail Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar in Lavstorm Mountains to receive a character flag.

Step 3 #

Get the group mission Rival Party from Officer Vacax Rol`Tas and complete it.

You’ll receive a flag upon completion.

NOTE: Don’t forget to turn in your Dark Reign Token to Xeib Darkskies (Dark Reign) in Lavastorm Mountains.

Step 4 #

Next is a 24 man raid given by Captain Aleeth Zyrv.

  • The Curse of Ju`rek and loot Diseased Wing Fragment for progression.

Step 5 #

Go back to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar in Lavastorm Mountains. Give him Diseased Wing Fragment. You’ll receive some character flags. Also say “dragon“.

Step 6 #

Last is a 54 man raid given by General Lereh Dirr.

  • In the Shadows. Complete this raid and loot Shadowscale of Vishimtar for progression.

NOTE: Don’t forget to turn in your Dark Reign Token to Xeib Darkskies (Dark Reign) in Lavastorm Mountains.

Step 7 #

Give Shadowscale of Vishimtar to Commander Zaerr Ty`Dar in Lavastorm Mountains. Dark Reign Progression Complete! Hail him and follow his dialogue to receive all remaining flags.

Sourced from: https://www.eqprogression.com/dark-reign-progression-guide-dragons-of-norrath/

Tier 5 Reward: +1% chance to resist spells #